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Mary Kendall Sketch

March 30, 2012

[This message from the future, or the past not really sure…]

Happy Tuesday everyone! (It’s Friday, thank you very much. I am a dork. I failed to hit the ‘publish’ button on this. So, pretend it’s Tuesday for a few minutes, relieve the mundane, mediocre or phenomenal day that was Tuesday and enjoy!

Today nothing big. Just a bonus post of a super quick at work sketch of one of the characters that will be appearing in my steampunk series ‘The Curriculum Vitae of Ignatius St. Eligius.’

The character is Mary Kendall. If you have followed this blog recently, you will have noticed her name mentioned in Johnathan Fawkes’s journal. I am presently working on more character development for her, and will also be posting a new flash fiction piece featuring her soonish. Depending on if I finish the current scene I am working on today.

So, there you go. Very little actual information, and a bad sketch to boot. Sweet! And it’s only Tuesday.

p.s. She’s holding a wrench, THAT is the true power of my artistic ability.

Mary Kendall at Work in Her Lab

Mary Kendall at Work in Her Lab

From → Writing

  1. :lol: Steven i know you didnt mean to make us laugh but there are so many humour bits…
    Hey you say its tuesday..its tuesday and if anyone has a problem..i will take care of it..
    that sketch ..what can i say it seems we both are gifted when it comes to sketching…but you are definitely better than me!
    Yay to Mary Kendall and specially the way she used that wrench….

    • I did mean to make a joke out of it. I totally thought I pushed the publish button on Tuesday. Wednesday/Thursday I’m sitting around wondering why no one has dropped by…Sigh… Thank you for the compliment. I greatly appreciate it.

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